About | JioNews

About Us

JioNews is the revolutionary digital product from the house of RIL. Your one stop solution for Breaking News, Live TV, Videos, Magazines, Newspapers, & much more. JioNews is the millennial way to stay ahead. Just login with your Jio ID and Password and you are good to go.
With Latest Breaking News every second, 250+ Newspapers, 150+ Live News channels, 800+ Magazines, Famous Blogs, and News websites from India and all over the world.
Choose your preferred language from 12+ languages for a better reading experience including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Marathi, Assamese and more.
Your News. Your Language.
With a personalized home screen experience stay updated on breaking news. Keep up with all the Top Stories on a single click & share your favorite local and global news.
Watch news and live video from 150+ News channels like Aajtak, ABP News, NDTV, India TV, Republic TV, Times Now, CNN-News18, ABP Majha, Thanthi TV, BBC Marathi & many more regional channels.
A Must-Watch section where you get a curated list of videos from 10 +genres to watch what’s buzzing right now.
Stream 800+ Magazines across 15+ categories in 10+ languages without bothering to download them.
JioNews brings before you all the famous newspapers for free. Yes folks it has almost 250+ leading newspapers including the regional ones. That’s why we say Your Region, Your News.
The # comes on top of the screens showing you the Top trending news from elections 2019, cricket, entertainment and more at your fingertips.
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